Meet the Outhouse Diggers!

Frequently Asked Questions

No, it is now a rich dark soil.

Yes, but not for sanitary purposes as the bacteria and viruses are long gone …but because you have a lot of broken pottery shards and glass.

We usually like any property that had a home on it or has a home on it prior to 1880 because you are then guaranteed that there was an outhouse….the older the better…sometimes a modern house will be sitting on an older property obviously.

It is a real talent, it is very similar to the guys that can locate water using a diving rod, and it takes years to master.

No, in fact it is often left better because it helps aerate and sometimes we will even be able to make a low spot or a high spot level.  Also we are very careful when we lay the sod on the tarp to make sure it is placed exactly in the order it came out so that when we lay it back on, it fits exactly. We also have a large heavy Tamp device that allows us to make sure the grass is level.

invite us to dig!